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01924 315351

Company Policies & Insurance

We are comprehensively insured and keep all company policies reviewed and up to date

Our company mission statement:

To provide electrical installation & electrical maintenance services in the domestic, industrial and commercial market, which are safe, beneficial and adaptable and to exceed our customers needs. To generate sufficient profits in order to continually invest in our staff and training, our equipment, premises and processes to create the best equal opportunities for us all.

GDPR request form

If you have any questions about how we use your personal information, you can contact us at any time on our contact page or, alternatively, if you would like to make a GDPR request, please use the form below.

Exercise your rights under GDPR – send your GDPR request to us via this form we’ll be sure to get back to you within a reasonable timeframe (usually within one month) subject to the exemptions stipulated in applicable data protection laws.