Naylor’s Electrical Services Ltd Health and Safety Commitment
As the Directors of Naylor’s Electrical Services Ltd we are responsible for and committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all employees, customers, and others that may be affected by our undertaking. We regard health and safety at work as ranking in importance with other vital activities such as customer service, quality management, security issues and contracts, and are committed to a process of continual improvement through effective leadership. At Naylor’s Electrical Services Ltd we seek to achieve the highest standards, not only because compliance with legislation is mandatory but also because it is in the company’s best interests to do so.
It is our intention that all employees read and comply with our health and safety policies and procedures, and the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and other health and safety legislation that’s applicable to our business. It is our stated intention:
In order to ensure compliance to the highest possible standard we employee the services of OJ Health and Safety (OJ Safety). OJ Safety play an important role by ensuring we keep on top of legislation changes and comply with current health and safety law